Empire Apartments

Client //

McNab Developments QLD Pty Ltd

Value //


Services //

Structural and Civil Engineering



The Empire Apartment development includes nine storey’s of one and two bedroom apartments and two storey’s of basement carparking. By thoroughly understanding the clients’ clear vision for the efficiency and buildability of the structure, we successfully collaborated with the project architect and service consultants at the front end of the project to recognise and resolve critical success factors.

The management and resolution of these issues were recognised and praised by the client as the construction for the project was completed three months ahead of schedule. The drained basement design removed the need for a more expensive hydrostatic slab design and careful coordination with the specialist retention subcontractor ensured that the required number of car spaces was achieved, without compromising on other design aspects.

After coordination with the hydraulics contractor and reducing the thickness of the slab, the drainage system costs were reduced, congestion in the slab was carefully considered and the speed of construction was increased while still maintaining its structural integrity.